Pop-punk band Timeshares from New York just recently put out their new full-length album 'Bearable' on If You Make It Records. Though I haven't heard from this band before this album, I'm really glad I picked up on this release.
The album starts strong with a catchy opening track, already setting the mood for a good half-hour of emotionally charged pop-punk . Musically, they sound like a cross between Jawbreaker and Iron Chic while the vocals sound like if the Get-Up Kids had deeper, scratchier voices and formed a choir with blink-182 in their earlier days. The guitar is jangly and has that sort of lingering sense, where it sounds like it's still alive but slowly dying and trying to write out its last will or something. These guys clearly aren't stupid, either. There's some very creative and constructive breaks and changes in their music, which blends beautifully with their poetic lyrics of broken hearts and obvious emotive discontent. A truly inspiring album in an age full of cookie-cutter, less-than-average Four Year Strong / Wonder Years wanna-be bands (as if those 2 bands aren't awful enough on their own).
I really do enjoy this album. Check it out.
Timeshares bandcamp page
Timeshares - Bearable - If You Make It Records